Archetype: The Sleeper

Characteristic: Unaware

Learning Focus: The Sleeper needs to begin noticing their emotions, behaviours, and reactions.

This series is for you if you:

  • operate mostly on autopilot, reactive rather than reflective.
  • have limited awareness of your emotions, thoughts, and behaviours.
  • often blame external circumstances for your feelings and actions.
  • rarely question or examine your belief or thought patterns.
  • tend to avoid discomfort and self-reflection, distracting yourself with external activities.
One of the problems with achieving fulfilled and mutually respectful relationships, is that we don’t always recognise what the opposite looks like. In my Blueprint of Toxic Relationships, I’ve selected the most common elements of relationship toxicity and made it crystal clear what’s okay and what isn’t.
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To help you with naming the experiences you're having.
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Weekly Life Assessment

This worksheet is designed to help you regularly assess key areas of your life, including career, relationships, personal growth, health, money, and friendships.
Go to download

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