Meet Sandra

Her name was Sandra and there is really only a single way to describe her movement through life. If I had to name it; I mean if I had to put a finger to it, match it to my frame of reference and then commit, it would be to say that she was aggressively indisposed. Yes,…

Your Relationship May Not Survive Me

Some relationships will simply not survive working with me; they’re not built to withstand the brutality of their own truths.  These are the relationships you have with mothers, fathers, friends, children, lovers, spouses, colleagues. They are your relationships with institutions, pets and even, with your former, present and future selves.   There is something that…

The Gift of Real Magic

I never knew much about magic until a few years ago.  There was always a calling toward it, an attraction that felt mutual, yet neither it nor myself were prepared to meet the other half way. So magic circled my existence whilst I settled with making birthday cake wishes and vision boards, in order to…

We Are More Than What Separates Us

One of the biggest insults | crimes | untruths leaked into the human race is the illusion of separation. The belief that we are separate from each other to various and solid degrees; gender, skin, emotion, thought. These useful and convenient layers we use to identify ourselves will make life more manageable, only until we…

Pinned Post: What is Emotional Mastery?

Emotional mastery is about more than control and it has nothing to do with perfection. Emotional mastery is about observation and conscious decision making. It’s about seeing the choices that show up in your reality; in the split second before stress does, in the moment before disharmony is expressed through an argument in your relationship,…