A Brave CEO is a Vulnerable CEO

There are moments that regularly arise in life, when the only two options we have are bravery or familiarity. These moments show up more often than we likely acknowledge, from the adventurous decision to swap our usual dish in our favourite restaurant, to the more impactful one of quitting the job that is slowly strangling…

Are You Losing The Competition Against Yourself?

There are many high-flying women out here who believe success revolves around taking one’s place within previously male dominated arenas. That it means getting the same roles, earning the same pay, being afforded the same or better opportunities for growth. With this, the collective advancement of our mindset has been extraordinary, achieving positions now that…

Meditation is Not a Destination

Not being able to sit still and quiet the mind is one of the biggest complaints I hear from people new to meditation. Sitting down and closing one’s eyes quickly turns into an open invitation for incessant internal chatter, for reviewing the day, or mentally completing old conversations. As common as it is, it’s helpful…

Fear is Not Action. Do Something

Love to all the people participating in global meditations, group healings, positive heart based prayer, energy work, comedy, acts of service in the community, empowerment coaching, online breakthrough therapies, body movement, positive posting, self healing, future visualising, heart based caring, news OFF heart and mind ON living. When your fear is bigger than your positive…