Private mentorship is for a small number of clients who truly desire and are ready to begin or advance their journey into emotional mastery and the breaking of destructive patterns.
This is intimate work and you’ll emerge with a depth of self-knowing you have not yet experienced.
I work with both women and men.
An intimate and intuitive 3, 6 or 12 month partnership of absolute awakening to the truth of who you are. Most mentoring includes 24/7 voicenote access to me and email support. You are stepping into this experience to change your life.
- bored or unfulfilled with business, family or personal life.
- alone, lost, disconnected from self or others and in need of deeper direction.
- inadequate, lacking confidence, or self belief.
- trapped within their business or personal life, routines or commitments.
- out of control or on a downward spiral.
- it’s necessary to hide the truth of who they are or their desires.
- the need to massively upgrade their emotional or spiritual health.
- destructively addicted to specific people, places, substances, actions.
- overwhelmed or overly responsible in business, family life, social circles.
- increasingly unmotivated by daily business or personal life.
- stuck in past, historical or generational patterns of thought or behaviour.
- becoming a person who is respected for who you are, as well as what you have or do.
- equally distributing the value you place on emotional and spiritual health, as well as worldly success and financial wealth.
- moving from a life of escapism and surface pleasure to living from a place of deep self-connection and honesty, with self and others.
- stripping back all distractions and addictions to uncover root level healing.
- improving the quality of your life, emotions and mental health.
- introducing true, soul-purpose choice and fulfilment, in place of habit or routine.
- moving into being a spiritually awakened and thriving part of the planet.
This is not a partnership to ‘fix’ you, it is one where I highlight your shadow spots, guide you through questioning your truths, belief systems, thought and behaviour patterns, programming and perspectives.
This is an uprising of self-awareness, fulfilment and connection to the earth around you. In this partnership we construct sovereign processes in your life that remove any separation between SOUL, PERSONAL, and BUSINESS alignment.
I am dedicated to holding the ENTIRE TRUTH of who you are; your DEEPEST self, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It is my calling to reflect back to you all the wisdom, sovereignty, power and divine connection that is already present within you, as well as to help expose and magnify your soul’s existing greatness.
My intention is to SUPPORT and hold you to your highest standards, to reacquaint you with your POWER.
This is your SAFE SPACE to begin and maintain your journey of ultimate SELF AWARENESS and CONNECTION to all, so you may benefit in multiple areas of your life.
This is a 4 or 5 figure investment.
If private sessions feel beyond reach for you financially, the best way to work with me is by joining my mailing list. You’ll receive articles, lessons, information about group sessions and concession days. You can also attend one of my live events and retreats.