I was speaking with a friend about love. I don’t remember the exact context, or how the conversation began, but it had roots in love being the peak experience of life, of it being what helps to turn the world most harmoniously on its axis. We noted that the love must be unconditional, and then we stopped, because what does this even mean?
We use the phrase all the time within relationships, but which of us has stopped to really define our own individual understanding? When we talk about love, the type that arrives with conditions and the type that does not, are we clear on what we’re saying? For most, unconditional love is to give or receive it freely, without strings. But when we call for someone to love us unconditionally – our flaws, our strengths, the things we hide and the things that matter to us; I wonder whether what we’re really asking for is acceptance. I wonder whether the reason so many relationships fail, why we battle with parts of our own self, is because our root language is so incorrect that it cannot bear the fruit needed to sustain us.
What would happen if we admitted