Take Your Power Back

Who did you give it to? Who took it from you?What illness, what husband, lover, boss, friend, stranger?How desperately do you want to heal?How consumed are you, with never letting it happen again?How consumed are you with understanding how it happened, at all?Action.Your answers are in action.There are people who stay stuck where you are…

Clearing The Past is Not Enough

Pace it forward. Where are the holes? Where are the shadows that will send you straight back to square one? Generational deprogramming, patterns & clarity work, will give you a vast understanding of your behaviours and thoughts. It’s in setting outcomes and looking forwards that you’ll be able to glimpse any shadows still lurking.

What Happened To Your Power?

If anything became apparent to me during 2020, it was the sheer dependency the vast majority of human beings have on their physical world. To most this will appear an odd thing to write, of course we depend on our physical world, it’s well, the world. But this superficial understanding of what it means to…