Convoi Exceptionnel

On long trips I sometimes see vehicles with the words Convoi Exceptionnel written on them. Whilst the translation may not be very elegant, in French the words for me always evoke a sense of glamour and mystique. I wonder how different life might be if we each navigated the world clearly marked by how much care and…

Relearn How to Motivate Yourself

Always and at all times we are in a state of being motivated.  Defined as an enthusiasm, or a reason for doing something, motivation drives us, regardless of whether the outcome is positive or negative. One may be motivated to love a partner unconditionally, or to commit an extreme act of violence against them. Irrespective…

Human Design

I first came into contact with Human Design maybe about nine or ten years ago. I didn’t pay very much attention to it at all. If anything, I thought it was just another system, another mechanism someone, somewhere, had invented in order to profile and box people. It seemed like a lazy answer, a crutch…

Ranting vs Shaking Off Excess Energy

There are times when I’m really disturbed; moments where I could be described as extremely annoyed, excessively worried, pissed off. They’re rare, depending on a number of factors – my moon cycle, how much I’ve meditated, who’s involved – but when they come they bring a feeling so big, filled with so much energy, that…

Come Find Me (Part II)

I felt the power in the words as I wrote them. I felt them teach me what it means to be softer, feminine. I felt the stillness it takes to receive and reject what is and isn’t for me. It was in deep practice I learned, that Come Find Me will change your life, if…


I invite you to explore who you are without shame. To welcome the parts you have repressed and diluted. To step into the entirety of your body, the expressions you have buried for the safety of an illusion. I invite you to expect more from the people in your life, the ones you love and…

On Friendship

There are some friendships that evolve over time and others that end with hardly any time passing at all. Trust your first impressions of people; trust who you feel compelled to be when around them, and what parts of you are not welcome in the shared space. Pay close attention to the balance of efforts…