I have a varied friends circle, I wouldn’t call it large but yes, it’s definitely wide and diverse in a lot of ways. The folks I hang out with have different faiths, beliefs, ethnicities, economic backgrounds, education levels and marriage statuses. They work in multiple industries, anywhere from teacher, exotic dancer, lawyer, barmaid, right across to retired or unemployed. What’s great is that whilst there are similarities, no two are the same and each unique soul in turn, allows for very particular parts of my own identity to emerge. Over the past year however, I’ve noticed something peculiar happen with some of these friends, particularly those whom I would consider especially unique, even within this diverse pool. It has mainly occurred in response to world events or cultural moments of personal significance, and it’s an interesting spectacle to witness first-hand.
In a world where the collective mind has become so much stronger, the herd mentality that was once marginally hindering is now super-charged with an excess of emotion and confusion. This overflow, brought on by fear, anger, and helplessness, has been unsettling to those who choose to swim through life instead of tread water. People witnessing others be swept along have noticed that more strength is required, when attempting to go their own separate way.
The communities I’m involved with and the people I’ve worked with have given me a wonderful experience of what human beings are truly capable of, when the soul is plugged in, awake and fully participating in life. I’ve seen people manifest, timeline jump, heal themselves, as well as connect psychically or telepathically with the animate and inanimate world around them. They regularly perform local and global clearings in their meditations, open portals, complete grid work or hold specific energetic frequencies for the world in which you and I live. And yet, if you ask these folks at the end of a week what they’ve been doing, they will likely shrug and say something equal to ‘not a lot’. They know, most of the population cannot even fathom what they see and feel every single day. It is exhausting work and at times it is relentless, however, they find being on speed dial for the universe preferable to sending £3 once a week to Oxfam.
So what’s the problem, they’re doing their thing, the rest of the world has a different way of contributing, that’s life, right?
Well, the problem is that global events have become so heated that some of these true mavericks are more frequently, but thankfully temporarily, losing their footing. They have found themselves privy to pangs of guilt and even self-doubt because their contributions to the planet are not as openly lauded, or even respected. Amidst the show of people on protests, marches, those donating money, volunteering, posting on Instagram or generally being highly vocal about their endeavours, there is little understanding of the metaphysical actions occurring. There is the very real reality that any esoteric contribution is not viewed by society as real, let alone enough. If it can’t be measured, it is not valued and so these light workers keep quiet, with the more sensitive ones becoming momentarily doubtful in their roles.
There is a saying that charity begins at home and it’s one that is applicable in so many alternative scenarios. It is unfortunate and misguided that in the society we now live, we look first to pulling others out of the hole they find themselves, without first checking the stability of our own foundations and the poison on our hands. The amount of people trying to ‘save the world’ or save a particular ethnic group is astounding, when you look at what is going on behind their own closed doors. The attachment that some parts of society have to the loudness of action and the drama of justice, has left anyone not a part of that cacophony, or echoing the current outrage, looking like they are simply twiddling their thumbs. At what point, did doing your part turn into something that must be visible to the world?
What is important, truly, is acknowledging that we all have our roles. The introvert and the extrovert are of equal value, as is the person who meditates for a country, and the other who donates money to it. There is responsibility in both camps, and loudness of action does not designate value.