We discuss energy a lot in the metaphysical community. We want to know the effect of planetary transits or current media agendas. There’s curiosity over whether we’re all having the same experience, and if the outcome will be collective or individual. We question what new waves of lessons and turmoil may be entering or exiting our field and the best way to get grounded or reconnect to the frequency of our purpose. Change is something we’re sensitive to, whether it is ours or not, and we desire resonant answers about what it all means. With this, it can be surprisingly easy to forget the strategies we acquire along the way, to help us navigate the extremes. For this reason, It may be a good idea to bookmark this page.
- If you’re feeling part of any collective negative energy, it is okay to feel it. This journey is not about spiritual bypassing or avoidance. Having said that, you do need to be discerning enough to know which feelings truly belong to you, to someone close, or to the wider collective. It’s common to see people spiral down into a pit of despair that doesn’t even belong to them.
Think about when you walk into a room and you know immediately that the vibe is off, that something uncomfortable has happened or is happening. The contrast between where you’ve come from and where you are now is so strong that you must notice it.
Imagine now that there is no room, there is no big shift from one place to another. The discomfort is so pervasive it seems part of you, wherever you go, you can’t shake it off. This means it must be yours, right? Wrong. If a dog follows you home from the park, it doesn’t mean it’s yours. If you find yourself surrounded by gold, it doesn’t mean you’re now rich. Both these scenarios mean you probably need to ask some questions about where these things have come from and where they belong. The same is true of energy. Before you claim ownership of a feeling, whether it has appeared suddenly or stalked you slowly, question whether it’s yours before you dive any deeper into the experience of it.
- If the feeling is pulling you down for any significant amount of time, without your consent or conscious acknowledgement, you are disconnected from your power.
This is going to sound controversial to some, but when you’re fully tapped into source and your own connection to it, you will be aware that the states you find yourself in (barring of course mental illness) are conscious decisions. This doesn’t mean you won’t experience sadness, anxiety, or depression, what it means is that you will experience them consciously and understand it is okay to sit in these spaces, but that you also have the key out of them. Now, whether you can muster the strength and motivation to pick up that key is another story, but when you’re connected to your power there are no victims, only choices.
- If you feel out of control or powerless, you are ungrounded and disconnected from your roots.
Ground. It will steady you, even if it does not solve the material problem. It’s important to learn how to do this, but even more essential is to learn when to do it. Most of us have spent decades experiencing rollercoasters of emotion and it can take just as long to remember we now have a consistent tool for when those moments arise. You do not need to freewheel anymore and grounding will help more often than it doesn’t.
- If you feel overstimulated, or buzzy and it is not serving you, then you need to earth and discharge some of it.
Whether this accumulation of energy is self-made or drawn from the collective, if you are aware enough to observe it then you’re usually aware enough to shake it from your body. With all energy, you have a choice about how you use it, some will suggest riding it like you might a wave, but there is also the option to really get into the thick of it and use it to fuel your purpose. Clean it first, take control and repurpose it. Extreme emotion is like fairy dust to your manifesting powers.
- If you feel guilty because your loved ones are being sucked into a scripted and manipulative shit show of dark energy and you’re not, then you probably need to remember that your lifetime is not the one in which everyone awakens.
You have likely worked exceedingly hard, or been through some difficult and isolating times, to get to the level of awareness that you have. Whilst it may feel like you’re watching others suffer as you live an ultra-blessed life, what’s the alternative – to join them? You are ready in this lifetime to understand energy; your responses, choices, and place within it. If they aren’t you can help, but only if that help is wanted. You must allow people to have the experience they are here to have.
- Lastly, the most important point I want to make is that you can only decide whether to take part in current energy fluxes once you’re conscious of them. Billions of people aren’t aware of anything to do with energy, let alone that they have a choice in their experience of it. Don’t take your knowledge for granted. Don’t waste it.