Ranting vs Shaking Off Excess Energy

There are times when I’m really disturbed; moments where I could be described as extremely annoyed, excessively worried, pissed off. They’re rare, depending on a number of factors – my moon cycle, how much I’ve meditated, who’s involved – but when they come they bring a feeling so big, filled with so much energy, that…

Come Find Me (Part II)

I felt the power in the words as I wrote them. I felt them teach me what it means to be softer, feminine. I felt the stillness it takes to receive and reject what is and isn’t for me. It was in deep practice I learned, that Come Find Me will change your life, if…

Meditation as an Anchor

Isolation that is not born from choice destroys lives.  That feeling, like you’re the only person inhabiting a small island, can feel incredibly debilitating.  Add to this a view that isn’t miles upon miles of endless water, but whole worlds close and clearly visible, of which you are not a part. Worlds where people are fulfilled,…

Receiving Greatness In The Chaos

There is a part of us all that looks to the perfect future date, the perfect time or set of circumstances before we take action; whether that’s having a baby, moving home, emigrating, or even changing jobs. There is the belief that at some point the stars will align and the one thing we want…

Set High Spiritual Standards

Let’s talk about standards. Let’s dive into what we are and are not willing to accept from our spiritual lives. I’m known personally, for having extremely clear boundaries and a yardstick that can deeply trigger people. It’s not that I’m rigid in my beliefs, or in my way of moving through the world; it’s that…

March Oracle Reading [2023]

Embrace the freedom you have in life to pivot. Imagine yourself on a rollercoaster, and instead of holding on tight when in free fall, practice letting go. Face the fear with complete release and see how different it feels, how the experience changes. Practice trusting that there are forces and mechanisms around you, seen and…

Let It Live Outside Your Body

There are an extraordinary amount of healing and therapeutic modalities available to people choosing to explore the inner workings of who they are. As a mentor I see it as my calling to experience any and all that resonate with me, knowing that if they do, I’m sure to meet with people who require that exact…

Healing Fatigue

When we are in the infancy of our self-help journeys, the declarations we make to end all our unhelpful patterns will usually spark apprehension. Suddenly, the fear of how these cyclical habits within us might respond when called out is very tangible.  We feel their discomfort at potentially being challenged by us, their host, as awareness readies…