Journal Prompt – 40 Years

I realised today, that I could live another 40years.   40 years.   Once you reach a certain age, time can feel more finite, so many more years known than to know.   Tell me, if 80 or even 85, were your top number, the end of your ride, so to speak – how many…

Session Transcript

Transcript   Client: I think I’ve known for a while that I’m not fully aligned, but I’ve been afraid to admit it. It’s like I’ve built this version of myself that looks perfect on the outside, but inside, I feel disconnected.   Tori: Disconnected from what?   Client: From myself, I think. From the part…

The Art of Being Yourself

There is a phenomenon that will occur in your life, it will descend on you unexpectedly and repeatedly. You’ll wake up one day and make a discovery. An insight so profound and yet so glaringly obvious that you’re unsure if you really have not noticed it before. It’s familiar, even if you cannot place it.…

Night Sky

Meditative, I bid the universe, show me something beautiful. I needed nothing else, and so I gifted free reign to an experience of wonder.   Show me, something beautiful.   Immediately, night sky. I, standing level with it, penthouse view. Lights shining beneath, far, wide. Yellow, red, in windows, towers, streets. A galaxy of lives.…

Say Goodbye To Problem Heavy Friends

This year, take the radical step of identifying the people in your life who are problem-heavy. People for whom most exchanges with you present as an opportunity to discuss problems they have no real intention of fixing. People who cannot see you clearly through their own looping story of self-pity. Stand strong in the knowledge…

From Healing To Healed

There comes a time on your journey when you have to switch from being ‘the one who is healing’ to ‘the one who is healed’.    There is a moment, when regardless of your physical or emotional health, you have to eat, walk, dance, love, as though all former setbacks have completed their lessons, have…

You Have Got to Go All The Way

In coaching, you have got to go all the way. You have got to talk about the feelings, thoughts and experiences that present themselves. The ones that have you believing ​t​here is a choice, over whether or not they matter. To awaken the relationship with that part you so desperately want to heal, to grow, to…

Convoi Exceptionnel

On long trips I sometimes see vehicles with the words Convoi Exceptionnel written on them. Whilst the translation may not be very elegant, in French the words for me always evoke a sense of glamour and mystique. I wonder how different life might be if we each navigated the world clearly marked by how much care and…

Human Design

I first came into contact with Human Design maybe about nine or ten years ago. I didn’t pay very much attention to it at all. If anything, I thought it was just another system, another mechanism someone, somewhere, had invented in order to profile and box people. It seemed like a lazy answer, a crutch…


I invite you to explore who you are without shame. To welcome the parts you have repressed and diluted. To step into the entirety of your body, the expressions you have buried for the safety of an illusion. I invite you to expect more from the people in your life, the ones you love and…