On Friendship

There are some friendships that evolve over time and others that end with hardly any time passing at all. Trust your first impressions of people; trust who you feel compelled to be when around them, and what parts of you are not welcome in the shared space. Pay close attention to the balance of efforts…

Is This Spiritual Life Worth it?

There are times on your journey into self when you’re going to feel very alone.   You’re going to feel like you’ve drawn the short straw and why, oh why, can’t you be less complicated?   Why can’t you be like the sheep you see daily, who have not experienced the awakenings or downloads of…

Dancing With Your Patterns

Instead of viewing patterns as unchanging reactions that have us careening from one disaster to the next, it’s helpful to see them as multi-faceted parts of ourselves. Ones that are in constant vibration, willing either to be left on course or interrupted.    Imagine, if you will, yourself as the grand ballroom in which various parts…

We Are More Than What Separates Us

One of the biggest insults | crimes | untruths leaked into the human race is the illusion of separation. The belief that we are separate from each other to various and solid degrees; gender, skin, emotion, thought. These useful and convenient layers we use to identify ourselves will make life more manageable, only until we…