From Healing To Healed

There comes a time on your journey when you have to switch from being ‘the one who is healing’ to ‘the one who is healed’.    There is a moment, when regardless of your physical or emotional health, you have to eat, walk, dance, love, as though all former setbacks have completed their lessons, have…


Rest, is nourishment. It is not checking emails, messages, or sitting quietly to ponder,  the 50 things to do later. They aren’t urgent, anyway. Once the fear is removed, the panic, the ‘what ifs’, all that is left is choice, to do the thing now, or later. Rest, is the master of later. Rest, is…

Don’t Trust The Process

Don’t trust the process. Trust the stillness that lives in the spaces between. Trust the walk from your bed to the shower, the moments between plating your food and eating it, the life between asking for your dream and receiving what you really need. + Don’t trust the process. Because that is only about trusting…

The Inbetweeners

There are people in your walk through life, who must stand out.   They will appear to you as if by design, fertiliser to be sprinkled onto the soil of your consciousness. They will arrive wild and alone, determined to grow, to flourish in your psyche with or without consent. And they will not fit…


We are all homesick. We are all longing for the place to belong, where we may show up whole  and seen  by the group. Releasing all  the ways we water down to fit in, discarding the shadows  and the decoys, we have created to throw others off our scent. We are all homesick for the tribes…

You Have Got to Go All The Way

In coaching, you have got to go all the way. You have got to talk about the feelings, thoughts and experiences that present themselves. The ones that have you believing ​t​here is a choice, over whether or not they matter. To awaken the relationship with that part you so desperately want to heal, to grow, to…