Pinned Post: Meet Vic[tori]a…

I work as a Mentor, Spiritual Advisor and Writer, helping people ascend to higher planes of living, connect with their emotional mastery, self-awareness, soul path and spiritual allies. This begins with identifying and releasing trauma, repetitive experiences, self-imposed limitations and unhelpful patterns. It is about undoing the masses of unconscious conditioning and programming, so we’re…

Your Relationship May Not Survive Me

Some relationships will simply not survive working with me; they’re not built to withstand the brutality of their own truths.  These are the relationships you have with mothers, fathers, friends, children, lovers, spouses, colleagues. They are your relationships with institutions, pets and even, with your former, present and future selves.   There is something that…

The Gift of Real Magic

I never knew much about magic until a few years ago.  There was always a calling toward it, an attraction that felt mutual, yet neither it nor myself were prepared to meet the other half way. So magic circled my existence whilst I settled with making birthday cake wishes and vision boards, in order to…

A Brave CEO is a Vulnerable CEO

There are moments that regularly arise in life, when the only two options we have are bravery or familiarity. These moments show up more often than we likely acknowledge, from the adventurous decision to swap our usual dish in our favourite restaurant, to the more impactful one of quitting the job that is slowly strangling…

Are You Losing The Competition Against Yourself?

There are many high-flying women out here who believe success revolves around taking one’s place within previously male dominated arenas. That it means getting the same roles, earning the same pay, being afforded the same or better opportunities for growth. With this, the collective advancement of our mindset has been extraordinary, achieving positions now that…