Journal Prompt – 40 Years

I realised today, that I could live another 40years.   40 years.   Once you reach a certain age, time can feel more finite, so many more years known than to know.   Tell me, if 80 or even 85, were your top number, the end of your ride, so to speak – how many…

Love Affair

I want us to have a love affair. You and me. How about it, my love?   I’m inviting you to show up suited, in your tightest emotions thoughts, buttoned up over that raw and wounded chest. Come, let me unclothe you, let me help you out of this world where you are unhappy not…

Session Transcript

Transcript   Client: I think I’ve known for a while that I’m not fully aligned, but I’ve been afraid to admit it. It’s like I’ve built this version of myself that looks perfect on the outside, but inside, I feel disconnected.   Tori: Disconnected from what?   Client: From myself, I think. From the part…

The Art of Being Yourself

There is a phenomenon that will occur in your life, it will descend on you unexpectedly and repeatedly. You’ll wake up one day and make a discovery. An insight so profound and yet so glaringly obvious that you’re unsure if you really have not noticed it before. It’s familiar, even if you cannot place it.…