Pinned Post: What’s it Like Working With Me?
My coaching practice is built on more than offering you strategies or solutions. I’ve created it as a space for you to feel truly seen,…
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My coaching practice is built on more than offering you strategies or solutions. I’ve created it as a space for you to feel truly seen,…
I work as a Mentor, Spiritual Advisor and Writer, helping people ascend to higher planes of living, connect with their emotional mastery, self-awareness, soul path…
I realised today, that I could live another 40years. 40 years. Once you reach a certain age, time can feel more finite, so…
I want us to have a love affair. You and me. How about it, my love? I’m inviting you to show up suited, in…
Transcript Client: I think I’ve known for a while that I’m not fully aligned, but I’ve been afraid to admit it. It’s like I’ve…
It is okay to feel sad, to fully experience it. It is part of the human condition. There are times that your heart will ache,…
Stand your ground. Own it. There is merit in fluidity, beauty in being able to flow as the river does, but there is also bravery…
There is a phenomenon that will occur in your life, it will descend on you unexpectedly and repeatedly. You’ll wake up one day and make…
I recently had an experience with a child who passionately wanted something. He asked me once and I gave my answer, which was a yes,…
Before you reach for that new thing, release the old. Let go of the things and the people that you believe are keeping you solid…
Even though you’ve been taught one way to: think, behave, feel, or respond, don’t be afraid to rewrite the rules. If the thought of change…
Trust yourself and the standards you have set. There are going to be times, more of them, when all around you is a flutter, stormy,…
We discuss energy a lot in the metaphysical community. We want to know the effect of planetary transits or current media agendas. There’s curiosity over…
Do not forget why you are here. Amidst the roles you must play and the tasks you must perform, do not forget that fire within…
we are all a collection of short stories made to look whole one fluid, linear, looping tale. within each story no chapters only worlds self…
Think about the tiredness you’re currently feeling. Tiredness in any form: mental, physical, emotional, spiritual. Think about how it might change, if something new were…
I was speaking with a friend about love. I don’t remember the exact context, or how the conversation began, but it had roots in love…